Inner Shaft Main Gear: BMCX (EFLH2211)
Outer shaft, Main Gear and Bushing Holder Set: BMCX (EFLH2213)
Outer shaft retaining Collar Set: BMCX (EFLH2214)
Outer shaft Bearing 3x6x2mm (2) Set: BMCX (EFLH2215)
Lower Rotor Head and Linkage Set: BMCX (EFLH2217)
Landing Skid and Battery Mount Set: BCMX (EFLH2222)
Landing Skid and Battery Mount Set, Glow in the dark: BCMX (EFLH2222GL)
Body/Canopy, White w/o Decals : BMCX (EFLH2227W)
Carbon Fiber Training Gear Set: BMCX/MSR (EFLH3023)
Body/Canopy, Yellow w/o Decals : BMCX (EFLH2227Y)
Vertical fin Yellow w/o Decals: BCMX (EFLH2228Y)