Moteur Principal + Pignon MSR (EFLH3003)
Landing Skid and Battery Mount Set, Glow in the dark: MSR (EFLH3004GL)
Main Frame with Hardware, Glow in the dark: MSR (EFLH3005GL)
Carbon Fiber Training Gear Set: BMCX/MSR (EFLH3023)
Carbon Fiber Main shaft w/Collar and amp Hardware: MSRX (BLH3207)
Servo Push Rod Set w/Ball Link: MSRX (BLH3208)
Main Rotor Hub w/Hardware: MSRX (BLH3212)
Feathering Spindle w/O-rings and Bush: BMSR/MSRX (BLH3213)
Vertical Fin (White): MSRX (BLH3220W)
Landing Skid and Battery Mount, Glow in Dark: MSRX (BLH3204GL)
Main Frame w/Hardware, Glow in Dark: MSRX (BLH3205GL)
Main Rotor Blades w/ Hardware, G in D (2): MSRX (BLH3216GL)
Main Rotor Blades, Orange (2): MSRX (BLH3216OR)
Main Rotor Blades, Red (2): MSRX (BLH3216RE)
Tail Rotor, Glow in Dark: MSR/X (BLH3217GL)
Tail Rotor, Orange: MSR/X (BLH3217OR)
Blade mSR/X-Derive phosphorescente (BLH3220GL)
Spare Paddles for Flybar- 4pcs (or MSR005)